Viktória Vadon
Teaching in English, school year of 2023/24, 2nd semester
Data Structures and algorithms (GEMAK117-MA)
lecturer and instructor
lecture: Monday 8:30 AM, building A/1 room 307
instruction: Monday 10:15 AM, building A/1 room 307
lecture: Monday 8:30 AM, building A/1 room 307
instruction: Monday 10:15 AM, building A/1 room 307
- Curriculum and requirements
- Some exercises -- this document will keep evolving, please check again later!
- Glossary of definitions and theorems -- updated with exam material!
- Partial lecture notes -- updated with whole semester plans
- Theoretical midterm
- Mock practical midterm -- translation of 2023 (Hungarian) midterms
- Mock exam for signature retake exam + solution
- Mock exam for written exam + solution