This is the second announcement of the Junior Mathematical Congress 2000 Miskolc, Hungary, July 3-8 , 2000. Please inform your colleagues interested in the subject.
Péter Körtesi
Miskolc - Egyetemváros
POB. 10.
phone: (36)(46) 565 144,
phone/fax:(36)(46) 565 146,
e-mail:, OR
invites you to the
July 3-8 , 2000.
The Junior Mathematical Society Miskolc and the Borsod Division of János Bolyai Mathematical Society will organize the Junior Mathematical Congress 2000 for high school aged or near students in cooperation with the Mathematical Institute of Miskolc University, Herman Ottó Grammar School and Földes Ferenc Grammar School.
We are happy to have received your registration for the Junior Mathematical Congress 2000. If you have not registered yet and you intend to take part in the meeting please register on-line
either by mail, e-mail or by fax. We direct your attention to the fact that all of this information and more (list of participants, schedule of talks) will be available at our www site:
Apart from attending lectures by scholars, the participants may themselves give talks, present computer programs or exhibit posters, each participant will be given the chance to present his results.
The papers of the participants will be published in English and Hungarian special editions of the mathematical journal Pi, and we will make up a volume of Abstracts for all contributors.
In order for us to edit the English and Hungarian special edition of the Mathematical journal PI and a VOLUME of ABSTRACTS participants are asked to submit with their COMPLETE (preferable English language) paper
(5-8 pages), an extra one-page ABSTRACT in ENGLISH.
The ABSTRACT should contain the title, the author's name, the author's school (place of work) and address, a summary of the contribution and the bibliography used.
The COMPLETE papers (with the same structure) should be written if possible in TEX format or any other edited, ready-to-print form, and apart from TWO COPIES of the PAPER and the ABSTRACT sent by mail, we welcome files sent on e-mail or floppy disks too. If such an edited form is not available the paper and the abstract should arrive as early as possible is, before the DEADLINE OF JUNE 20, to allow us the time for their editing.
DO NOT send mathematical software or posters, but only give their description, number of poster pages, and their dimension on the REGISTRATION FORM (for posters the recommanded size is up to A/0, equivalent to 16 times a normal page).
Costs of participation
The participants have to pay USD 150 for the complete programme (if transferred before May 31). The above sum includes the participation fee, the student type (3-5 bed bedrooms) accommodation for 6 nights (from Monday, July 3. to Saturday, July 8.), the breakfast, lunch and dinner for 6 days, (first dinner on Sunday, July 2, last lunch on Saturday, July 8), the costs of the trip to Eger on Wednesday July 5, local transport, handouts.
After May 31, or if paying on spot the above sum will be 170 USD. For accompany the given sum is reduced to USD 100, resp. 120 and includes accommodation and meals.
An extra night + breakfast will cost USD 18. For hotel type accommodation you will be assisted.
For participants from Hungary the HUF costs are those published in the mathematical journal KöMaL.
Registration, deadlines
Applicants for registration should complete and return the attached REGISTRATION FORM and the PROOF OF PAYMENT to the organizers by mail before JUNE 15 to the address:
MISKOLC, H-3515, PF.10.
For further information please use also the above address or:
Phone: 36-46-565111 extension 1795, or 36-20-9 826 766 mobile
Facsimile: 36-46-565146
or: Pé
Methods of payment
Payment for the participation and the costs of optional programmes can be made in any major currency (using the rate of exchange on the day of payment) by bank transfer to the Junior Mathematical Society Miskolc as:
Account number 11994002-02409254-00000000
Send the additional information:
Registration fee and accommodation deposit for: (Participant's name)
For participants from Hungary, they can simply enter a Postabank Fiók, and pay in on the account given.
Any other method of payment should be previously accepted by the organizers.
Groups of participants may use a collective transfer but need to fill in a Registration Form for each participant separately.
Payments to transfer
Participant Accompanying person
____________________________________ __________________________________
If transferred prior to 31 May 150 USD 100 USD
After 31 May and on site 170 USD 120 USD
Note: for an extra-day accommodation you have to add their costs respectively.
Registered participants will be sent the Final Announcement before the end of June, confirming the list of materials they sent, the bookings they made, and containing last minute information, details about travel
facilities, train time-tables, map of the site and programme preliminaries.
On site registration and registration desks
On-site registration as well as the participants' registration packages and additional information will be available at the registration desks in the Calvinist School (Kalvin street 2-4.). Reception service will be provided on Sunday, July 2 afternoon 14.00-21.00 and from Monday, July 3, to Friday, July 7, every day from 8.00 to 18.00.
During the conference for information, or to send messages to the participants there can be used one of the following addresses:
Junior Mathematical Society Miskolc (president Péter Körtesi)
H 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Pf.10.
Phone: 36-46-366111, extension 1795 (answering machine),
or the mobile phone: 00 - 36 - 20 - 9 826 766
Facsimile: 36-46-365174, 36 -46 = 565146
Cancellation of participation and refunds
Cancellation has to be made in writing to the organizers. The amount of the refunds is:
- cancellations before June 25: 80% of the total amount held on account
- cancellations after June 25: no refund
NOTE: all refunds will be paid after the congress and eventual refunding costs will be supported by the participants.
General information
Visitors from most European countries (and several others including the USA) can enter Hungary without a visa. In case of doubt please consult a Hungarian Embassy or Consulate.
The organizing Committee can issue an official invitation letter on request.
Currency exchange
Exchange offices are available at the airport, at railway stations, in hotels, banks and during the congress at the university campus. Visitors are advised not to exchange money in the street.
Health and luggage insurance in Hungary may not be included in your current policy. Insurance covering the period of your visit to Hungary can be purchased from EXPRESS TRAVEL and HOSTELS CO. LTD. (see below).
(For e-mail registration send in only the lines between >>>> and <<<< )
This is an individual registration form. For group participation please send a copy of this registration form for each participant.
(to be filled in by the organizer)
The following part is designed to help us to make up the list of participants (please use block capitals, except e-mail address):
# Name of the participant #
# #
# Surname (Family name)_________________________________________________ #
# Other name___________________________________________________________ #
# #
# Age :__________School (place of work):___________________________________ #
# ____________________________________________________________________ #
# #
# Full address #
# ____________________________________________________________________ #
# #
# ____________________________________________________________________ #
# #
# Tel (with country code number):__________________________________________ #
# Facsimile:____________________________________________________________ #
# E-mail:______________________________________________________________ #
The following informations will help us to make up the programme, please circle or fill in carefully:
What branches of Mathematics are you interested in?
Do you wish to give a talk, to present a computer program or a poster?
Please give the title and details (for poster presentations number of pages and their dimension as well):
Have you sent in the Abstract and the complete paper?
Do you need special equipment for presentation?
Please specify:
Computer: ______________________________________________________________
Overhead projector (OHP): ______________________________________________
Other equipment: _______________________________________________________
Your arrival: __________________________________________________________
Your departure: ________________________________________________________
Do you need additional accommodation?
Give the details: ______________________________________________________
Do you need an official invitation for visa?
Other remarks:
According to the above conditions I have to pay____________________USD
Equivalent of in other major currency:_________________
transferred at ________________________________________
Done at: _______________ Date: ___________________
P r e l i m i n a r y p r o g r a m
Sunday, July 2.
Arrival of the participants, accommodation.
There will be a group of students at the Calvinist School to meet the arriving participants.
Walk to visit the center of Miskolc - free programme.
Registration, conference materials on Sunday are available at the Calvinist School.
19.00 GET TOGETHER PARTY in the meeting place of the Calvinist School.
Monday, July 3.
10.30 - 12.00 Invited lectures
13.30 - 15.00 Student presentations
15.30 - 17.30 Problem oriented seminars
18.30 - Conference dinner
Tuesday, July 4.
9.00 - 10.00 Student presentations
10.30 - 12.30 Invited lectures
13.30 - 15.00 Student presentations
15.30 - 17.30 Computer presentations
18.30 - Cultural evening
Wednesday, July 5.
7.00 - 14.00 Trip to Eger
15.00 - 16.00 Student presentations
16.00 - 18.00 Invited lectures
Thursday, July 6.
8.00 - 9.00 Student presentations
9.30 - 12.30 Invited lectures
13.30 - 15.00 Student presentations
15.30 - 17.30 Computer presentations
18.30 - Folk dance party
Friday, July 7.
9.00 - 10.00 Student presentations
10.30 - 12.30 Invited lectures
13.30 - 15.00 Problem oriented seminars
15.30 - 17.30 Round table discussions
18.30 - Farewell Disco
Saturday, July 8.
9.00 - 10.00 Student presentations
10.30 - 12.30 Invited lectures
13.30 - Closing ceremony
C o n f e r e n c e p l a c e a n d a d d r e s s e s
The Conference will take place at the Calvinist School of Miskolc (Kalvin street 2-4.)
The invited speakers and the participants will be accommodated in the Calvinist School of Miskolc (Kalvin str. 2-4).
T e c h n i c a l r e m a r k s
The lecture room will have a blackboard and an overhead projector, and computer projection will be possible as well.
There will be no internet connection available in the lecture halls, and the available computers are PC CPU K6-266 with Win98, 36X CD, and MacIntosh LC475, both with LCD projection. NOTE:
We cannot guarantee the software you want to present, for software based presentation you have to provide the given software. We have some versions of Maple and Mathematica available, but not the newest ones. The mailing address of the conference is the same as that of the Institute of Mathematics given on the letterhead.
A d d r e s s e s
One can send a message for the participants using the addreses given in the letterhead.
For URGENT messages you can use the e-mail address given above, or call the mobile phone
36-20-9 826 766.
C o n f e r e n c e o f f i c e a n d r e g i s t r a t i o n
For early registration please come to the Calvinist Shool, there will be an information and accommodation office on Sunday, July 2, from 14.00 to 21.00.
The conference office will be set up -in the same place- starting from 8.00 on Monday, July 3, and will close on Saturday, July 8, at noon.
Each day you will find assistance here from 9.00 to 17.00.
O r g a n i z i n g y o u r t r a v e l
G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t H u n g a r y
Citizens of the United States and European countries (with the exception of Turkey) do not need visas to enter Hungary. Citizens of other countries may need one, but this can be done at the airport or at the border. Please note that you cannot get a visa on a train. In Hungary the local currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF, forint). The present exchange rate is: one US dollar is about 290 forints. Please note that the banks and money exchange offices are usually open only in the morning and early afternoon. It is best therefore if you change money at the airport or railway station upon arrival. The weather in July is mostly sunny and warm with the average temperature between 20-28 degrees Celsius. However, rain and cold weather is also conceivable.
I n s u r a n c e
Please check whether your stay is covered by your current insurance policy.
If you need assistance to organize your travel you may contact EXPRESS TRAVEL and HOSTELS CO. LTD. (3525 Miskolc, Szechenyi str. 56., tel 36-46-349400).
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n i n B u d a p e s t
We strongly recommend you to use the Airport Minibus which can be booked upon arrival at the airport. It costs about 1600 HUF. Taxi cabs are usually available, but the prices are not fixed and foreigners may be cheated. Presently you must pay about 90 - 200 forints per kilometer plus about the same initial fee. To reach the railway station from the airport may cost about 3000 HUF. There is a quite reasonable public transportation in Budapest. The trams, subways, suburban trains and city buses operate with pre-purchased tickets. One ticket costs 95 HUF. You can buy these tickets at newspaper stands and the ticket offices which usually can be found at the entrances of subway stations. When boarding the vehicles or entering the subway stations you must validate a ticket. You can rent a car at the airport, the rate with unlimited mileage is about USD 100/600 (daily/weekly) for a compact or USD 180/980 for an "intermediate" car (plus insurance appr. 20-25 USD/day). If you drive only automatic American models you should be prepared to pay much more. Try Budget at the airport. NOTE. Drivers in Hungary are not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages at all. Fines are high and checks are frequent. Speed limits are 120 km/h on motorways, 80 km/h on other highways and 50 km/h within city limits/residential areas. All seat-belts in the car should be used and lights should be on out of city limits even during daylight.
H o w t o g e t t o M i s k o l c f r o m B u d a p e s t
All trains for Miskolc depart from East Railway Station (Keleti Pályaudvar). Although, there are lots of trains, we highly recommend you to use only Inter City (IC) trains between Budapest and Miskolc. There is an IC or EC train roughly each three hours. We marked them by* , note that for them you need seat reservation as well.
Departures from Budapest (valid starting on May the 28, 2000):
6.05 *7.00 7.10 8.05 *9.35 10.05 *11.00 12.05 *13.00 14.05 *15.00 16.05 *17.35 18.05 *19.00 20.05 21.05
Departures from Miskolc:
5.30 6.30 *7.00 7.05 7.25 *9.00 *10.30 11.30 *13.00 13.35 *15.00 15.30 *16.40 17.30 *19.00 19.45
If you arrive so late that you cannot take the last train, we advise to spend the night in Budapest and come to Miskolc next day. In Budapest you will find plenty of accommodation, from economy reasons we suggest you the Kiss Gellért Panzió - Budapest, Otthon u.14. a small, clean and cheap pension. Phone: + 36-20-9332 236, or + 36 - 1-3715000, where you have to add the prefix + or 00 or other valid for international calls when calling from abroad Hungary. Phone calls in Hungary In Hungary you have to use a prepaid phone card or coins, and start instead of 36 with the national 06. e.g, the emergency "if lost" calls from Hungary will use 06-20-9826 766, the mobile phone of one of the organizers. If you want to purchase tickets and/or seat reservation- -which is compulsory for every IC train- at the East Railway Station then you have to find the ticket offices. This may be rather more awkward than you expect. So, when you arrive at the Station by the Airport Minibus or by taxi please ask the driver how to get to the ticket offices from the point he where drops you. At the ticket office please show the following Hungarian sentence to the cashier if she, he does not speak English:
Kérek egy II. osztályú retur jegyet Miskolcra és helyjegyet a . . . órás IC-re NEM dohányzó, ablak mellé!
In the Hungarian sentence above please write the departure time over \ \ . . . \ \ of the Inter City train you want to travel by. This means in English that you need a second class return ticket to Miskolc with seat reservation to a NON smoking seat by the window. If you need smoking seat please erase the word `NEM' from the Hungarian sentence above. If you need first class ticket please replace `I' from `II' in the Hungarian sentence above. The price of such second class ticket is appr. 3500 forints (16 USD). In Miskolc you arrive at the railway station: Miskolc Tiszai Pályaudvar. In this case you should take either a taxi in front of the Railway Station (we recommend the yellow-black line called HELLO taxi as the cheapest one, and they are notifyed about the conference sites) or any trams (use prepaid tickets available nearby the tram station or you may purchase tickets from the driver 85-100 HUF). If you come by tram you should get off at the 5th stop called Városház Tér and you'll get to the right stop for the accommodation. To go there you have to come back along the tram lines to the first small square - Erzsébet tér.
For the Calvinist School dormitories you have to cross the small square, turn left walk about 100 m and cross the
street at the first traffic signal, you'll be at the corner of the building. The entrance is in the small drive in front of you at 30 m. There will be notices, maps, and more information available at the porter.
In order for us to organise a successful meeting, could you please make thisinformation available to others too.
Looking forward to meeting you in the conference,
the organizing Committee
Péter Körtesi László Kálmán
president of the president of the Borsod Division
Junior Mathematical Society Miskolc of János Bolyai Mathematical Society
Zoltán Szarka
vice-president of the Borsod Division
of János Bolyai Mathematical Society
Pál Veres Mrs. Ágnes Szamosfalvy
headmaster of Földes Ferenc headmistress of the Herman Ottó
Grammar School Grammar School
Péter Körtesi, Miskolc, May 25.