Tsz. ssz.: Kód: GEGE 267 6. félév
A " Mechanical Drawing III." c. tantárgy ütemterve
III.é. nappali tagozatú gépészmérnök hallgatóknak
Tanulmányi hét |
Előadás |
Gyakorlat |
1 |
Definition of damage and failure. Classification of failure modes. Definition of typical failure modes. |
Preparation of Design Project. |
2 |
Classification and characteristics of stresses. Types and characteristics of sinusoidal stresses. The components of stresses. |
Checking a shaft for fatigue strength. |
3 |
Woehler's experiments. The S-N diagram. Endurance limit. Finite-life region. Infinite-life region. |
Checking a shaft for deformation. |
4 |
The Smith diagram. The Haigh diagram. Low-cycle fatigue. High-cycle fatigue. Endurance limit modifying factors. |
5 |
Combined fatigue stress concentration factor. Factor of safety. Uniaxial stresses. |
6 |
Stresses due to combined load. Equations of the S-N curves. Cumulative fatigue damage. |
7 |
Fatigue strength of shafts. Rotating shafts loaded by bending and torsional moments. The Soderberg approach. |
Finishing of Design Project. |
8 |
Deformations of shafts. Determination of the deflection of a shaft due to bending. |
Case studies. |
9 |
Definition of friction. Basic laws of friction. Surface topography. Elastic and plastic deformation of real surfaces. |
Written test. |
10 |
Wear. Laws of wear. Frictional wear. Wear due to surface fatigue. Contact fatigue. |
Case studies. |
11 |
Thermal wear. Mechanism of scoring. Abrasive wear. Corrosive wear. Fretting corrosion. Cavitation wear. Erosive wear. |
Numerical example. |
12 |
Lubricants and lubrication. Hydrostatic lubrication. Hydrodynamic or fluid lubrication. |
Numerical example. |
13 |
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Boundary lubrication. Thermal effects. Lubrication regimes. |
Numerical example. |
14 |
Case illustration of surface damage. Rolling element bearing. Bearing surface fatigue life. |
Numerical examples. |
15 |
Surface temperature, thermal stress, and wear in brakes. Wear equations for brakes. |
Substitution of failed works. |
Requirements for signature and practical mark of subject are included on a separate sheet.
Recommended literature:
Shigley, J. E. - Mitchell, L. D.: Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
Rothbart, H. A.: Mechanical Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Norton, R. L.: Machine Design. An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall, 1996.
Seireg, A. A.: Friction and Lubrication in Mechanical Design, Marcel Dekker, 1998.
Szegedi, G.: Fatigue design, Technical University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc, 1989.
Requirements for signature and final examination
- Regular attendance at the lectures and practical lessons.
- Execution of the design project until the deadlines.
- Rating of project should be at least passed.
- Rating of written test should be at least passed.
Practical work will be appreciated by the mean of the marks obtained to design project and written test.
The examination consist of written test and oral questioning. Failed written test is not allowed.
The mark of examination is calculated as the mean of the ratings of written test, the oral questioning and the practical work.