Tsz. ssz.: Kód: GEGE 266 5. félév
A " Machine Elements and Design II." c. tantárgy ütemterve
III.é. nappali tagozatos gépészmérnök hallgatóknak
Tanulmányi hét |
Előadás |
Gyakorlat |
1 |
Classification of gear trains. Nomenclature of spur gear teeth. Conjugate action. Fundamental law of gear meshing. |
Preparation of Design Project 1. |
2 |
Involute properties. Involute curve as a tooth profile. Line of action. Interference. Contact ratio. Tooth thickness relations. |
Design of a power transmission with |
3 |
The forming of gear teeth. Cutting methods. Standard features of gears. Force analysis of spur gears. Gear materials. |
flexible mechanical elements. |
4 |
Failure modes. Load capacity of spur gears. Surface durability. Strength. |
5 |
Limits of the gear design. Undercut. Zero topland. Measuring of gear teeth.. Parallel helical gears. Definition of an involute helicoid. Tooth relationships. |
6 |
Force analysis and bearing loads. Tooth proportions for helical gears. Geometrical calculations. Undercut limit. |
Finishing of Design Project 1. |
7 |
Contact ratio for helical gears. Measuring of the helical gear teeth. Cutting methods for generating of helical gears. |
Preparation of Design Project 2. |
8 |
Internal gears. Geometrical characteristics. Action and assembly limits. Manufacturing methods. |
Calculation of a gear set. |
9 |
Bevel gears. Terminology. The Tredgold's approximation. Dimensions of bevel gears. Tooth loads. Cutting methods for bevel gears. |
Finishing of Design Project 2. |
10 |
Worm gears. Classification of worm gearing. Single-enveloping worm gears. Double enveloping worm gears. |
Preparation of Design Project 3. |
11 |
Analysis of forces in worm gearing. Power rating of worm gearing. Efficiency. Fundamental geometrical calculations for worm gearing. |
Design of a gear train. |
12 |
Constuctions of gear trains. Planetary gear mechanisms. Classification of planetary gear trains. |
13 |
Definition and scope of the slider-crank mechanism and scotch yoke linkage. Kinematic relations. Force analysis. |
14 |
Components of slider-crank mechanism. Definition and scope of flywheels. Computing procedure for designing of the flywheels. |
15 |
Pipes and pipe fittings. Pipe flanges and couplings. Guidelines for calculation of the wall thickness of pipes. Calculation procedure for pipe flanges. Gaskets. |
Substitution of failed works. |
Recommended literature:
Drago, R. J.: Fundamentals of Gear Design, Butterworths, 1988.
Shigley, J. E. - Mitchell, L. D.: Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
Juvinal, R. C. - Marshek, K. M.: Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John Wiley, 2000
Szegedi, G.: Spur Gearing, University of Miskolc, 1991.
Németh, G.: Gear Drives, University of Miskolc, 1991.
Requirements for signature and final examination
- Regular attendance at the lectures and practical lessons.
- Execution of the design projects until the deadlines.
- Rating of projects should be at least passed.
- Rating of writen test should be at least passed.
Practical work will be appreciated by the mean of the marks obtained to design projects and written test.
The examination consist of two parts containing the knowledge of Machine Elements & Design I. and II. respectively, and the students must get a pass on both of them.
Both of examinations contain written test and oral questioning. Failed written test is not allowed.
The mark of examination is calculated as the mean of the ratings of written test, the oral questioning and the practical work.