Tsz. ssz.: Kód: GEGE 264  3. félév

A " Mechanical Drawing II." c. tantárgy ütemterve

II.é. nappali tagozatos gépészmérnök hallgatóknak





Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Making of freehand sketching from real models. Drawing of shaft.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Making of freehand sketching from real models. Drawing of gear and spring.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Making of freehand sketching from real models. Drawing of casted machine part.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Making of freehand sketching from real models. Drawing of forged machine part.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Construction and design of the sketched models.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Construction and design of the sketched models.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Construction and design of the sketched models.


Finishing of design and drawing problem 1.: Detail drawing. Construction and design of the sketched models.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Making of an assembly drawing using specimen.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Making of an assembly drawing using specimen.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Drawing of sketch from the components of assembled structure.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Drawing of sketch from the components of assembled structure.


Preparation of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Construction and design of the sketched details.


Finishing of design and drawing problem 2.: Assembly drawing. Construction and design of the sketched details.


Substitution of failed works.

Recommended literature:

Giesecke, F. E.: Technical Drawing, Macmillan, 1986.

Earle, J. H.: Engineering Design Graphics, Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Elinger, I.: Engineering drawing, Budapest Technical University, 1985.

Tomori, Z.: Mechanical Drawing I.-III., Technical University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc, 1987.

Requirements for signature and practical mark

- Regular attendance at the practical lessons.

- Execution of the design and drawing problems until the deadlines.

- Rating of projects should be at least passed.

- Execution of the set part of the design and drawing problems during the practical lessons.

Practical mark is calculated as the mean of the ratings of the design and drawing problems.

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